Show Info

Genre: irish
Call in: +35318227222

Show Times

Timezone: GMT [UTC]
06:00 - 06:59 *
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02:00 - 02:59 *
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20:00 - 20:59
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22:00 - 22:59 *
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* Encore Presentation

About the Show

Aon Scéal

Aon Scéal is a weekly magazine programme As Gaeilge presented by Grainne Ui Chaonhanaigh, covering a variety of topics of local and wider interest. We aim at those who are trying to improve their command of Gaeilge as well as those who are fluent already.

We have regular feeds of Nuacht from local clubs, schools, etc. and regularly feature ‘What’s On’ items and book reviews. If it’s of interest and there’s someone available to tell us about it As Gaeilge, here’s where you’ll find it!

Find out what’s going on in the area, share your stories with us, we are a platform for local news of all sorts – Táimíd i gcónaí oscailte do bhur nuacht. Seo bhur gclár.

Iris Chlár seachtainiúl i nGaeilge, ag clúdach scéalta áitiúla agus níos leithne. Bíonn míreanna againn ar chúrsai spoirt, cultiúr go rialta, maraon le himeachtaí áitiúla (Fingal mar shampla).

Bionn údair linn ó am go chéile ag caint faoina saothar. Cíoraimíd raon leathan ábhar, de réir mar a bhíonn siad tráthúil.

Má tá baint agat le club áitiúil de shaghas ar bith, tugaimid cuireadh duit teagmháil a dhéanamh linn má tá AON SCÉAL suimiúil agat le roinnt le Pobal Ghaeilge 15.

You can listen in to Aon Scéal on Wednesday evenings at 8.00pm to 9.00pm and repeated Thursday evenings at 10.00pm to 11.00pm and Wednesday mornings at 6.00am to 7.00am

For more information on Grainne’s show, you can visit the ‘Aon Scéal’ facebook page or email

If you would like to hear a topic covered on the show or have us cover an event in the area then just give us a call on 01 822 7222 or email