Phoenix FM has had a range of awesome outside broadcasts in the past which were held in various venues from around the D15 region.

Below you can find links to information about each of these past events which will contain photo’s, information, and the recording from the event.

Broadcasts from 2024

Dunboyne College

Heart and Soul Friendship Club

Dive Expo in the NAC

Spina Bifida Hydrocephalus Ireland (SBHI)

Safer Together Summer Festival

National Learning Network

Family Fun Day Mulhuddart CC

Freshers Week – TU Dublin Blanchardstown

Broadcasts from 2023

Castleknock, Laurel Lodge

Coolmine Community School

Corduff Sports Centre

Safer Blanchardstown 

Traveller Pride Week

Ed3n Cafe

Not So Different

Adult Learning Festival

Spina Bifida Hydrocephalus Ireland (SBHI)