Below is a list of some of Phoenix FM’s featured ongoing on completed series. Be sure to follow the links to the pages for those shows and their seasons. In time this page will grow as more of Phoenix FM’s awesome shows are featured on our website. Be sure to check back regularly for weekly updates for our episodes.

Ongoing Series

Teen Focus
Teen Focus is a fresh and ongoing podcast tailored for teenagers, entirely produced and hosted by young individuals.
The list of episodes can be found here

School Duel
Phoenix FM has proudly hosted this captivating quiz series over the past several years which showcases a 16-part competition involving teams from local primary schools in the Blanchardstown area and is currently broadcasting weekly episodes of its new 2024 run.
The School Duel 2024 episodes can be found here

Talking Climate Change
Talking Climate Change is allowing students, teachers and climate experts and campaigners to come and talk about climate change and focus on local actions that can be part of a global solution.
The list of episodes can be found here

Completed Series

Culinary Culture
Join Brian Greene on a captivating culinary journey across the globe, as he embarks on a heartwarming adventure spanning six episodes.
The list of episodes can be found here

School Duel
Phoenix FM has proudly hosted this captivating quiz series over the past several years which showcases a 16-part competition involving teams from local primary schools in the Blanchardstown area.
Below you can find links to our School Duel pages which showcase the past episodes from previous years.
School Duel 2023!
School Duel 2019!

English For Living
This series aims to teach the listeners the English language through conversations and exercises based around every day situations.
The list of episodes can be found here

Recovery Month
A series of programmes produced and recorded by “Ballymun Does Recovery” in collaboration with 92.5 Phoenix FM
The list of episodes can be found here