Enjoy the photos taken during our live outdoor broadcast within the Laurel Lodge Community Center on the 10th of may, 2023. We met some very special guests their who joined us on our live show such as Cllr. Howard Mahony, Cllr. John Walsh and many others.
You can listen to the broadcast from the Laurel Lodge here:
Laurel Lodge Community Centre

Meet the people who we got the chance to talk to:

Our Lord Mayor of Fingal, Howard Mahony took time out of his busy schedule to have a chat with Charlie and Jeff. Catherine, the manager of Castleknock Community Centre joined to talk about all the amazing courses they run.
Margaret Golmley, Phoenix park Chief Super intended, Speaks to Charly about the OPW (Office Public Works)

Zara, Zumba Fitness Trainer, detailing Jeff about the Zumba classes that are being held in the Castleknock Community Centre.
Stephanie Rian, elucidating to Jeff about the English Conversation Classes (FAILTE ISTEACH) that are being held in the Castleknock Community Centre.

Charlie was chatting with Catherine the manager of Castleknock Community Centre and Doaa about Muslim Women Together charity group.
Aisling Nic Eochaidh, Linda Groome, and Gary Mangan from Spina Bigida Hydrocephalus Ireland (SBHI) talking to Charlie about SBHI.

John Walsh Cllr for Castleknock and board member of Castleknock Community Centre and Catherine, the manager of Castleknock Community Centre chatting with Jeff and Charlie about Castleknock Community Centre’s role in supporting the community in the area.

Gallery from Laurel Lodge Community Centre

Thank you to Eamon, Glebas, Naoise, and Andrew for the photos taken at the event.